Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Walk This Way!
By The Lifescript Editorial Staff
Published May 04, 2011

One of the hottest trends for healthier living are pedometers, tools that track every step you take, helping you to put a tangible face on weight loss. Health nuts are no strangers to pedometers – especially those looking to set reachable goals and lose the weight once and for all.

Aim to walk at least 10,000 steps a day, which is equivalent to nearly five miles. Sedentary people generally walk only 1,000-3,000 steps a day. Studies show that people who wear a pedometer and keep a log of their steps tend to get more steps in, even if they're not setting aside structured time to exercise. As a result they burn more calories and tend to lose weight.

So get a pedometer and get moving!

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I don't know how many steps I walked today.  I'm pretty sure it's more than 10k.  Took me an hour and a half by the river bank.  And this does not include another couple of hours malling.  I just hope I can walk at least an hour each day while I'm on vacation.

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