Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Dance Your Booty Off
The Lifescript Editorial Staff
Published May 24, 2011

Dancing is a full-body exercise that can really tone your body from top to bottom. If you have weight to lose or just want to sculpt beautifully lean muscles, and the treadmill just isn’t your thing, get your groove on. Got two left feet? Don’t worry, you don’t have to go to a club or embarrass yourself in public. You can dance in the privacy of your own home! Pop in your favorite CD (may we suggest Dancing Queen by Abba?) or choose from a variety of dance workout videos. You can find everything from Brazilian and hula dances to the Cha-Cha.

And if you really do have two left feet, it surely wouldn’t hurt to learn a few new dance moves. For those of you who are social butterflies and love to show of your dancing skills, head to the nearest club. Or try a group dance class at your gym. Variety is the spice of life, so don’t get stuck in a rut with one kind of dance. Take a swing class and sign up for an African dance routine next week. And remember, when all else fails (the video you ordered hasn’t come yet or the class you signed up for was moved to next week), you can always flip on the radio and boogie down at home.

Just don’t forget to shut the blinds.


Okay!  For now, my most immediate dream is to own a Wii.  The kids have it and I love hopping on it.  I can hardly understand what it's saying (it's Japanese).  But it definitely helps shed off pounds.  I need to eat right, of course.

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