Sunday, May 15, 2011


Get Over the Weight-Loss Blahs with Adventure Fitness
By The Lifescript Editorial Staff
Published May 15, 2011

If being cooped up inside of a gym for an hour isn’t your idea of a fun way to spend an afternoon, you sound like you might be more of the adventurous type. And lucky for you, being adventuresome burns a lot of calories!

Whether you’re on vacation or just getting away for the weekend, adventure fitness is an exhilarating way to burn extra calories, lose weight and buff up. Just one hour of your favorite adventure sport can burn more than 500 calories, and you’ll be having such a great time you won’t even know you’re doing your body good!

Take scuba diving, for example; one hour of swimming around in your scuba gear will burn more than 500 calories, and that doesn’t even include all the calories you burned lugging your equipment on to the boat or to the dive site. Snorkeling burns an easy 350 calories per hour while windsurfing and body surfing can each burn up to 300 calories. If you’d rather be on the water than in it, sailing and kayaking burn 340 calories an hour each, while paddle boating at a leisurely pace burns up an easy 200 calories.

Instead of letting the fitness “blahs” get in the way of your weight-loss goals, take your workout outside and make an adventure out of it. You’ll be burning mega calories while you have fun, and there’s no better formula for weight loss than that!

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Why does adventure fitness have to be in the water?  The only body of water near me at the moment is the biggest river I've seen.  People are fishing.  But no swimming.  Even if I find that ocean, I'm not daring to take a dip in this weather.  And I don't have scuba equipment.  Because I don't know how to scuba dive.  I'm sticking to walking.  Getting lost (almost) is an adventure all by itself.  I burn more calories when I get lost.  Because it takes me longer to get back from where I started.

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