Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Not Just About Weight Loss

It’s Not Just About Weight Loss
By Jorge Cruise, Chief Diet and Fitness Expert
Published June 29, 2010

Choosing the right foods isn’t just about losing weight. Following a healthy diet will also help you eat more nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, which are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. We often forget that what we put into our mouths is meant to nourish and fuel our bodies. But this is an important lesson to remember and practice daily.

The next time you select something to eat, don’t just consider the calories and fat; think about what it’s going to do for your body. Will it energize you or give you a sugar high that ends in an energy crisis? Is it rich in nutrients or loaded with artery-clogging saturated fats? Asking yourself what your food can do for you will help you make the right choices for your health, which in turn will benefit your waistline.

Your coach,
Jorge Cruise


last night' late news included a man whose dialysis stopped after he became a vegan. a vegan,i found it, is the highest form of being a vegetarian. which means that even dairy products cannot be taken. he lost 60 lbs!!!. i will probably lose my mind!!!


For information on Jorge's fitness program and to get a free copy of his Belly Fat Cure Report, visit

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