Thursday, April 21, 2011


The Running Trick That'll Get You in Shape - Fast
By Jennifer Gruenemay, ACE-Certified, Special to Lifescript
Published April 20, 2011

If taking one step back for every two steps forward sounds like a recipe for failure, think again. Running on sand makes your body work harder compared to working out on a hard, flat surface. And if your workouts have been a bit stale lately, running on the sand may be just what you need to spice up your routine.

Compare running up a paved hill to running up a sand dune. Why is it so much more difficult to run on the sand? Basically, since sand is an unstable surface, every time you take a step and then push off, your foot slips back about half way. Sure, that doesn’t sound like a very efficient workout, but efficiency may just be why you’ve reached a plateau in your fitness and weight-loss goals.

Take your next workout to the beach, or if you don’t have a beach, try to find a sandy spot at a local park, at a lake or along a river. When you’re working out 50% harder, you’ll make 50% more improvements too.

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I kind of like walking on sand.  It creates this tension that makes you more mindful of what you're doing.  More challenging.  And apparently more healthy.

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