Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Could Your Coffee Make You Fat?
from www.ivillage.com

Let's say you start your day with a large latte from your local coffee shop. You feel like something a little sweeter today, so you add some vanilla syrup. Bad news: You might have just downed more than 400 calories!

Even if you branch out from coffee with a green tea or strawberry blended drink, a large size can contain nearly 20 teaspoons of sugar. Adding whipped cream ups the calories—and the fat content—even more.

But don't worry—there's no need to give up your morning java. You just have to know how to avoid ordering a sugar bomb. Here are three tricks to try:

1. Always ask for a smaller size and specify nonfat milk.

2. If you're craving a flavored syrup, try one that's sugar-free.

3. If you're up for it, go for the most straightforward yet healthiest option of all: A black coffee or tea with no added anything!


This is the major reason why I promised to go to Starbucks once a week.I used to have 2-3 cafe mochas.  Working in the business district where Starbucks is in every corner is a surefire way to make you a coffee addict. Now I buy those light whipped creams, put in cocoa and the healthiest sweetener I can find.  I get to enjoy my cafe mocha without adding up to my already very thick waistline (if you can still call it a waistline!).

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