Thursday, April 7, 2011


Don’t Cool It on the Cool-Down
By Jorge Cruise
Published April 03, 2011

Many people wonder whether they can skip their cool-down. They think that stretching won’t help them create leaner hips and thighs, so why bother? Well, that’s simply not true. Stretching helps you accomplish your goal in a number of ways. Most important, stretching helps increase flexibility, which in turn helps your muscles grow stronger. Yes, it’s true!

Researchers have found that flexible muscles tend to be stronger and more aerobic than tight muscles. Also, stretching will help to lengthen your muscles, creating a long, lean appearance. Finally, it helps to bring circulation to your muscles, allowing them to quickly recover from your weekly strength-training sessions. This circulation is also important in preventing cellulite. So keep stretching!

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Sometimes we take for granted those 'little things" that seem unimportant. This shows how nothing can have no value.

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