Sunday, February 6, 2011


Take Small Steps Toward Great Health
By Jorge Cruise, Chief Diet and Fitness Expert
Published January 21, 2011

Don’t be so hard on yourself as you take steps toward living a healthier life. Focus on the positive changes you’ve made in your life already, from new, healthier foods to a new way of thinking about exercise. You’ve committed yourself to living a longer, better life. Imagine this transformation as you would a baby who learns to walk after learning to crawl. Take baby steps toward your health and fitness goals, and don’t set unreasonable goals.

As someone who has already taken positive steps toward good nutrition and fitness, you have already scaled the largest obstacle. Know that in time you’ll be sprinting, but commend yourself for the remarkable progress you’ve made so far. Now that you have the tools to walk, experience life from a new perspective and continue to set new goals. Before long you’ll be enjoying an incredible new way of living and continuing forward with more confidence, more energy and a whole new outlook for the future.

Your coach,
Jorge Cruise

For information on Jorge's fitness program and to get a free copy of his Belly Fat Cure Report, visit


i've been avoiding the weighing scale. i was afraid i'd be disappointed and therefore forget about losing weight altogether. this article reminded me to be patient -to not drive myself too hard, to just relax but continue with a healthy lifestyle. weighing scales don't lie. unless it's broken. but who cares? for as long as you feel better, numbers are only secondary.

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