Sunday, February 20, 2011


Your Weight-Loss Solution: Eat Pine Nuts!
By James Beckerman, M.D.
Published February 11, 2011

Sometimes natural foods and modern chemistry come together in the most delicious way. Pine nuts - the edible seeds of pines - are a newly recognized source of phytonutrients, which are the offspring of nature and healthy chemicals that can do our bodies good.

Pine nut oil contains pinolenic acid, a fatty acid that stimulates the body to produce two natural appetite suppressants: the hormones cholecystokinin (CCK) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). Interestingly, there is a long history of people in Siberia munching on pine nuts or taking a tablespoon of pine nut oil to suppress their hunger when food becomes scarce.

So how can we get them into modern American diets?

The good news is that they’re readily available, delicious and low in calories. A tablespoon of pine nuts contains only about 60 calories and makes an easy (and convenient) snack when you’re driving to appointments in your car or when you need something to curb your appetite at your desk. Pine nuts can also be deliciously mixed into yogurt, cottage cheese, pasta or green salads.

Companies are also marketing pine nut oil in supplement form - capsules, chocolates, bars, and shakes to name a few - and, according to their own research studies, pine nut oil supplementation is associated with a drop of 7%-10% in calorie consumption.

They might be worth a try in your new healthy-eating diet.

Always look up!


love pine nuts! especially when it's mixed with pesto. needs to be processed, of course, into a paste. together with all those garlic and basil and extra virgin olive oil.

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