Friday, February 11, 2011


A 'Waist' of Time
Daily Inspiration
By John H. Sklare, Ed.D, LifeScript Personal Coach
Published April 10, 2009

We are all responsible for the shape and condition of our body and health. Sure, some people have medical conditions that can cause weight gain, but for the most part, each of us controls how healthy and fit we are. This came to mind the other day as I was talking to a friend about something he was asked to do at work. My friend used the phrase “a waste of time.” That made me think about those of you who find yourself a bit heavier and less healthy than you would like to be.

In a sense, we all have a waist of time. The shape and girth of your waist is definitely a side effect of time. After all, it takes time to acquire a large and unhealthy waist, just as it takes time to acquire a slim and toned one. Each health choice you make is literally a contribution and an investment in your waist of time. Over time, your waist will come to represent the choices you’ve made. If you make healthful choices, you will eventually get that slim and trim look you dream about. But if you make unhealthful choices, you will take your health and body in the exact opposite direction. So, what kind of waist of time are you working on?

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare


today is a "waist of time" day for me. a carbo-loading day. awful. walking and dancing couldn't shakeit off.i feel lousy.

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