Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sleep Off the Extra Weight
By Jorge Cruise, Chief Diet and Fitness Expert
Published June 14, 2010

When you get enough sleep, you wake up rested and ready for your day. But that’s not the only reason to get adequate sleep. Research has found that getting too few zzz’s may be a major reason why so many of us overeat and end up overweight. When you don’t get enough sleep, it’s more difficult for your body to burn fat and sugar for energy.

Repeated lack of sleep can actually raise the stress hormone cortisol, which brings on a pre-diabetic state. Inadequate sleep also lowers your levels of leptin, the hormone that works to decrease your appetite. As leptin production is blocked, your brain receives familiar signals telling you to eat. You feel hungry and have intense cravings for sweets and starches. Too bad your body doesn’t actually need food – what it needs is a nap!

But cravings are hard to ignore. And once you give in to them, your insulin levels soar and then quickly crash. This amounts to mood swings, stress, sadness, impatience, aggravation, and, ultimately, another food binge.

Why do this to your body? Forgo the confusion by getting plenty of sleep – 7-8 hours – every night.

Your coach,
Jorge Cruise


yes, why do that to our bodies. who wants to be on a pre-diabetic state? and i want those leptins. i'm convinced and should really try to get that much needed sleep.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Keeping a Food Log

Grab a Pen, and Shed Pounds Fast
By Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-CPT
Published February 07, 2011

If you want to be successful – really successful – with your diet program, you have to stay accountable for your diet actions. One way is to keep a food diary or log. By writing down what you eat and in what amounts, you’ll know exactly how close you came to hitting your daily calorie goals – there’s no uncertainty or ambiguity. Either you hit your targets or you didn’t, and that’s powerful accountability.

Without this type of accountability assessment in place, it’s easy to think you did well because you avoided junk food for a day, when in reality you really consumed many more calories than you actually burned. Of course, it’s almost impossible to account for every calorie day in and day out, so don’t let slightly imperfect numbers discourage you. Instead, learn to be realistic with your evaluation. As a general rule, if you’ve managed to come within 5% of your daily targets, you’re well on your way to winning the weight-loss battle!

To your body transformation success,
Joel Marion


are you up to it? i'm not! this is serious weight management. and i'm not that serious. even if i need to be.

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Your Weight-Loss Solution: Eat Pine Nuts!
By James Beckerman, M.D.
Published February 11, 2011

Sometimes natural foods and modern chemistry come together in the most delicious way. Pine nuts - the edible seeds of pines - are a newly recognized source of phytonutrients, which are the offspring of nature and healthy chemicals that can do our bodies good.

Pine nut oil contains pinolenic acid, a fatty acid that stimulates the body to produce two natural appetite suppressants: the hormones cholecystokinin (CCK) and glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). Interestingly, there is a long history of people in Siberia munching on pine nuts or taking a tablespoon of pine nut oil to suppress their hunger when food becomes scarce.

So how can we get them into modern American diets?

The good news is that they’re readily available, delicious and low in calories. A tablespoon of pine nuts contains only about 60 calories and makes an easy (and convenient) snack when you’re driving to appointments in your car or when you need something to curb your appetite at your desk. Pine nuts can also be deliciously mixed into yogurt, cottage cheese, pasta or green salads.

Companies are also marketing pine nut oil in supplement form - capsules, chocolates, bars, and shakes to name a few - and, according to their own research studies, pine nut oil supplementation is associated with a drop of 7%-10% in calorie consumption.

They might be worth a try in your new healthy-eating diet.

Always look up!


love pine nuts! especially when it's mixed with pesto. needs to be processed, of course, into a paste. together with all those garlic and basil and extra virgin olive oil.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Morning Exercise #5 - BALANCE

Morning Exercise # 5 - BALANCE
from the article "Rise and Shine: Top 5 Morning Exercise Benefits"
By Jennifer Gruenemay, ACE-Certified, Lifescript Staff Writer
Published January 17, 2011

Wake-Up Call #5: A morning workout is better than coffee.
Oxygen, not caffeine, is what your brain wants in the morning. So instead of reaching for the coffeepot, reach for your sneakers and you’ll get all the brain-boosting benefits you need.

Studies show that exercise can increase your mental sharpness for 4 to 10 hours after your workout, a benefit you can really use at the start of your day. So, get up and get moving with this quadriceps flex.

This exercise requires a bit of balance – a talent not everyone has. So be sure to use a chair or stable countertop for support:

Step 1: Grasp a chair or other hip-level support, and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Through a count of 10 seconds, bend your knees as you allow your body to fall slightly backward, letting your heels come up off the floor.

Step 3: At the maximum tension point, hold and squeeze your quads for 2 seconds.

Step 4: Through another count of 10 seconds, slowly return to the starting point.

Step 5: Without resting, repeat three times.


no,no,no,no,no.! that can't be true! nothing can beat coffee first thing in the morning! not possible. for me, anyway! i know it's pyscho. but i kind of walk around like a zombie without the usual caffeine boost. and i can't imagine a zombie doing this exercise. i cannot even understand how it's supposed to be done.

Morning Exercise #4 - ABDOMINAL EXERCISES


from the article "Rise and Shine: Top 5 Morning Exercise Benefits"
By Jennifer Gruenemay, ACE-Certified, Lifescript Staff Writer
Published January 17, 2011

Wake-Up Call #4: A.M. exercise helps you sleep better in the p.m.
Hitting the gym in the morning helps you hit the sack at night. A study published in the scientific journal Sleep showed that overweight or obese women who began a regular morning exercise routine slept better than those who exercised regularly in the evening.

Why? Evening exercise stimulates your body. You become restless and alert, making it very difficult for your brain to turn off and your body to drift into restful sleep.

Exercise is like the ignition in your car – it turns your body on, not off. Get yourself going in the morning with some reverse crunches:

Step 1: Lie flat on a mat, with your hands by your sides, palms down. Pull your heels as close to your bottom as possible. Raise your heels about 2 inches off the ground.

Step 2: While keeping your chin up and abs tight, breathe slowly and rhythmically as you pull your knees up using the lower abdominals through a count of 10 seconds.

Step 3: Hold and squeeze for 2 seconds at the maximum tension point (when your bottom is just off the ground).

Step 4: Lower your body to the starting point through a 10-second count.

Step 5: Repeat three times without resting.


it can be done. easily. feels good, too. just be sure to dothe exercise as soon as you're on the mat. you might think you're still in bed and continue snoozing.

Morning Exercise #3 - SQUATS

Morning Exercise #3 - SQUATS

from "Rise and Shine: Top 5 Morning Exercise Benefits"
By Jennifer Gruenemay, ACE-Certified, Lifescript Staff Writer
Published January 17, 2011

Wake-Up Call #3: It’s your choice to be a night owl or an early bird.

Tick-tock. You have an internal clock that thrives on routine. It’s your circadian rhythm, and it regulates your body on a 24-hour cycle.

Give yourself a strict bedtime, force yourself to wake up when your alarm goes off (no snoozing!), and exercise each day – even if it’s only for 10 minutes.

Over time – a few days for some, a few weeks for others – your body will learn the new routine. It will gently wake you up, no earsplitting alarm required. You’ll feel rested and energized, and will actually start looking forward to your workout.

Get yourself in gear tomorrow morning with lateral squats. This move requires a lot of balance and hip stabilization – a job perfect for your gluteus medius.

Remember, this muscle is positioned not where you consider your butt to be, but rather on the side of your hip. Be sure to keep your hips and shoulders in line, and don’t allow your knee to drop forward over your toes:

Step 1: With your hands on your hips, stand with your feet about a foot wider than shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Squat down to the side toward one leg, while keeping the opposite leg straight, through a count of 10 seconds.

Step 3: At the maximum tension point, hold for 2 seconds. Return to the starting position through a count of 10 seconds.

Step 4: Alternate sides without resting. Perform 2 reps on each side.


this is not going to give me reason to get out of bed early. i think this is like side lunges. i hate them. side,forward, any kind of lunge. hey, that's just me. don't let me discourage you.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Rise and Shine: Top 5 Morning Exercise Benefits
By Jennifer Gruenemay, ACE-Certified, Lifescript Staff Writer
Published January 17, 2011

Wake-Up Call #2: Your metabolism won’t boost itself.

You roll out of bed, throw on some clothes and stumble out the door on your way to another busy day. Are you even awake yet? Your metabolism certainly isn’t.

The average person can expect the metabolic boost to last for 30-60 minutes post-exercise. EPOC typically accounts for a few paltry calories – 10-60, depending on the intensity of the workout.

Not only does morning exercise help you burn calories during the actual workout, but its effects linger after you’re finished. It’s called EPOC – excess post-exercise oxygen consumption – and it’s a fancy way of saying you burn extra calories even after your workout’s over.

But don’t let that discourage you! It adds up over time, and because it only takes a daily deficit of 500 calories to lose one pound in a week, every calorie counts.

Pump up your metabolism and your biceps with the standing side curl:

Step 1: Hold a pair of dumbbells and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms down by your sides, with palms facing forward and knees slightly bent.

Step 2: Feather your breathing as you curl the dumbbells up through a count of 10 seconds to just past a 90-degree angle. Hold and squeeze for 2 seconds.

Step 3: Keep your elbows tight against your body as you lower the weights to the starting point through a count of 10 seconds.

Step 4: Repeat three times without resting.


what is "feather your breathing'? i've researched it already. read the next blog if you want to know more about it.

as for the dumbbells, i wonder why they are called dumb?

Friday, February 11, 2011

MORNING EXERCISE # 1 - easier push-up?

Rise and Shine: Top 5 Morning Exercise Benefits
By Jennifer Gruenemay, ACE-Certified, Lifescript Staff Writer
Published January 17, 2011

No time for exercise? We’ll show you how to fit in a workout every day, give you 5 reasons to work up a sweat in the morning and share some moves from Lifescript’s Diet and Fitness Coach Jorge Cruise. Plus, find out what your fitness style is with our quiz…

Simple math is all it takes to schedule exercise time: Cut out one hour of evening TV, and set your alarm to wake you up 30 minutes earlier. Presto! You’ve just accomplished two great things for your body: 30 minutes more sleep and 30 minutes available for morning exercise. If you don’t need more sleep, adjust the formula. Voila! You now have a full hour to exercise.

But why exercise in the morning? After all, 500 calories burned at 6 a.m. is no different than at 6 p.m.

The answer is the fringe benefits. For the person who wants to add exercise to an otherwise sedentary lifestyle, here are 5 excellent reasons to work out in the morning:

Wake-Up Call #1: Time flies when your workout’s not done.
You plan to work out, but your busy day throws a curveball, leaving you scrambling to finish your to-do list by bedtime.

So instead of hitting the gym, you hit the sack – annoyed that you missed yet another workout.

That’s why you should exercise first thing in your day. In fact, about 90% of people who exercise consistently do it in the morning. It’s the only way to guarantee you won’t skip it.

Need an extra boost to get out of bed? Push-ups will strengthen your arms, shoulders and pectoral muscles, which helps to create the illusion of cleavage as well as lift sagging breasts. Try this exercise:

Step 1: Kneel on a mat on all fours with your knees hip-width apart. Your hands should be slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your fingers and wrists pointing forward.

Step 2: Feather your breathing as you lower your chest toward the floor through a count of 10 seconds. Descend to your maximum tension point, and hold for 2 seconds.

Step 3: Push your body back to starting position through a count of 10 seconds, keeping your elbows slightly bent at the top of the move.

Step 4: Repeat three times without resting.


it's easier than the usual push-up. of course, it's hard to do it first time without resting. but it's still harder to get out of bed first thing in the morning.


A 'Waist' of Time
Daily Inspiration
By John H. Sklare, Ed.D, LifeScript Personal Coach
Published April 10, 2009

We are all responsible for the shape and condition of our body and health. Sure, some people have medical conditions that can cause weight gain, but for the most part, each of us controls how healthy and fit we are. This came to mind the other day as I was talking to a friend about something he was asked to do at work. My friend used the phrase “a waste of time.” That made me think about those of you who find yourself a bit heavier and less healthy than you would like to be.

In a sense, we all have a waist of time. The shape and girth of your waist is definitely a side effect of time. After all, it takes time to acquire a large and unhealthy waist, just as it takes time to acquire a slim and toned one. Each health choice you make is literally a contribution and an investment in your waist of time. Over time, your waist will come to represent the choices you’ve made. If you make healthful choices, you will eventually get that slim and trim look you dream about. But if you make unhealthful choices, you will take your health and body in the exact opposite direction. So, what kind of waist of time are you working on?

Wishing You Great Health,
Dr. John H. Sklare


today is a "waist of time" day for me. a carbo-loading day. awful. walking and dancing couldn't shakeit off.i feel lousy.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Smart Salad Toppers
By Jorge Cruise, Chief Diet and Fitness Expert
Published February 07, 2011

You’ve probably been advised to avoid lots of salad toppings in order to lose weight. But who really wants to chomp on a bunch of leaves? Luckily, there are many toppings that are both low in calories and high in taste. Try these satisfying swaps for a diet-friendly salad you’ll actually look forward to eating:

* Ditch the deli meat cubes, which can add up to 100 calories and six grams of fat for just eight to 10 little pieces. Instead, dig into the beans, which are virtually fat-free, loaded with vitamins such as folate, and packed with hunger-quelling fiber. From garbanzo beans to kidney and black beans, the possibilities are endless!

* Bag the bacon bits, and sprinkle on sunflower seeds instead. They’re a great source of magnesium, not to mention heart-healthy unsaturated fats.

* If you love the crunch of croutons, crumble on some flavored rice cakes instead. They’ll add the texture you crave, without all the unnecessary oil.

* When it comes time to dress your masterpiece, drizzle, don’t drench. In general, stay away from creamy varieties such as ranch and thousand island; these are loaded with calories and unhealthy fats. Opt instead for a tablespoon of oil-based vinaigrette. Or better yet, try my favorite: a tablespoon of flaxseed oil on your salad will deliver a nutty flavor rich in omega-3s that you and your body will love.

Your coach,
Jorge Cruise


i should really learn to eat beans. i see beans in almost all weight loss advise. weight loss attempts should really include salads and these are great toppings. except for the beans, of course.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


10 Ways to Make Fitness Fun!
Put the Jungle Back in Gym
By Jennifer Gruenemay, ACE-Certified, LifeScript Staff Writer
Published March 10, 2009

When children play, they’re exercising – and having a great time. Ask an adult to climb the jungle gym and you’ll get a look that shouts, “You’ve got to be kidding!” Reclaim the joy of exercise with these 10 tips for making fitness fun again…

How you exercise isn’t nearly as important as finding the inner drive to do it and keep at it until you see results. Join a spin class or train for a marathon. In fact, you can burn a ton of calories just jumping up and down for an hour in your living room.

So why haven’t you done it yet?

Lack of motivation is at the heart of so many adults’ struggle to get fit. Exercise just isn’t fun! It’s a tedious, sweaty task – like scrubbing the toilet. Nobody wants to do it.

What’s the secret of those who do get out of bed, off the couch and away from the computer long enough to work out? They make exercise fun. Here are 10 tips to put some shape-sculpting play into your day:

1. Get Out of That Rut
Don’t use only the treadmill, stationary bike and step machine at the gym. Variety is the spice of any successful fitness routine. So give yourself some more exciting options.

Buy a jump rope, and see if you can still do a double jump. Strap on some rollerblades and speed down the street – if you dare. For more ideas, check out 10 Fitness Essentials for Women.

How about working out with a balance ball? A medicine ball? In the water? Or relive a favorite childhood pastime, like tossing a Frisbee or a fierce game of tag.

As long as you’re having fun, you’ll forget you’re burning calories.

2. Walk out the Door
The Great Outdoors is the world’s largest, most diverse playground. Look around your city for parks, walking trails and bike paths. Research nearby scenic landmarks, canyons, rivers or lakes for a great day hike. Many places may be the perfect spot to take your mate for an inexpensive date.

Don’t feel like driving anywhere and making a full day of it? Find a pair of ratty old pants, a comfy shirt, sun visor and gloves, and get knee-deep in your garden. Burning calories is more fun when you get to play in the dirt.

3. Mark It on Your Social Calendar
Don’t have enough time for fraternizing and fitness? Make it a double date! Exercising with your friends adds an important layer of enjoyment to your workout – distraction. You’re too busy having a good time or chatting to realize that you’re burning calories.

Sign up with friends for a weekly salsa class. Meet up at the gym for an hour of hip-hop kickboxing. Or make good use of your lunch hour and get outside for a brisk walk with co-workers before you eat.

4. Try the Couch Potato Workout
Spending too much time in front of the TV? You’re probably making a permanent dent in the couch cushions – but not your weight-loss goals.

According to a 2003 Harvard study, watching television for just two hours a day increases your risk of obesity by 23%. Scarier still: The average woman watches nearly five hours of TV a day, more than doubling her risk.

Why is television so bad for you? Combine one part sedentary hobby with two parts unhealthy TV munchies, and you have a primetime recipe for weight gain.

If you’re addicted to television, turn the living room into a home gym. Put your treadmill, stationary bike or elliptical trainer in front of the screen and exercise while you watch.

5. Crank Up the Music
Whether it’s Bon Jovi’s “You Give Love a Bad Name” or Beyonce’s “Single Ladies,” everyone has a song that gets them moving.

Your toes start tapping and your head begins to bob. Soon your hips are in full swing and you’re dancing like a lunatic in front of the bathroom mirror.

Adrenaline is your workout’s best friend. So the next time you head to the gym, grab your favorite tunes and rock out while you work out.

6. Give Yourself an Incentive
You've set some healthy fitness goals, and you’re really going for it – congrats! So what’s your reward? Nothing? Oops.

Sure, getting fit is enough for all your hard work, but let’s be honest. You want more, don’t you?

Few would be satisfied with just waiting patiently for the inches to melt away. We want a return on our efforts, and we want it now. So develop a reward program that will benefit you today, not six months away.

Your rewards can be whatever you want, as long as they keep you focused on the goal.

They should never reverse your gains. So forget an ice cream binge to reward your five-pound weight loss. Instead plan for a weekend trip away or splurge on new shoes.

Whatever you choose, it should motivate you enough to keep you heading toward your fitness goal.

7. Train for a Race
When you train for an athletic event, you invite adrenaline, excitement and anticipation into your fitness plans. You’re out to prove to yourself that you can do it.

Because events are scheduled, you have can’t get lazy along the way.

If you’ve never trained for a race before, start small. Enter a 5k run (3.1 miles), and see how you do. If it’s a breeze, great – try the next challenge. A 10k run (6.2 miles), half-marathon (13.1 miles) or short road bike race are all within your reach.

Give yourself at least 10 to 12 weeks to train, and chart your progress. And remember, each workout is a step closer to crossing that finish line.

8. Team Up
If the thought of spending an hour sweating alongside strangers doesn’t thrill you, ditch the gym and join a community sports team. You get camaraderie and competition, which are hugely motivating reasons to exercise.

Structured practices and games will also keep your exercise schedule plentiful and consistent. And because your own fitness and skill level contributes to a team’s success, you’ll probably feel motivated to push yourself even harder than if you were going it alone.

Research adult leagues in your area – you’d be surprised how many are out there. Softball, soccer, basketball, doubles tennis… the list goes on.

What if there are no teams in your area? Start one.

9. Make It a Family Event
Sitting down to a family dinner isn’t the only opportunity you have to connect with your spouse and kids after a busy day. Make fitness a family tradition too.

Your back yard is full of possibilities. Put up a basketball hoop and challenge your spouse to a game of H-O-R-S-E. Set up a net for volleyball or badminton and make the teams parents vs. kids or boys vs. girls.

Pound a couple horseshoe posts into the ground, and bet your son a week’s worth of chores you’ll win.

Too rainy outside? Take it indoors with Ping Pong, air hockey, billiards…

10. Get the Pets Involved
Is Fido starting to pack on pounds too? Animals need exercise as much as we do. Taking the dog out for a walk or run is another chance to get your own butt in gear.

Make it a morning or evening routine, and you’ll easily take care of the 30 minutes of cardio recommended each day.

What’s Your Fitness Style?
Some people find it easy to set the alarm clock for 4:30 a.m. and jump out of bed for a five-mile run; others hit the snooze button so many times that they sleep through a morning workout. Take this fitness quiz to find out which kinds of exercise are right for you.


in my case, the culprit is the internet. my forefinger automatically reaches for the on button of the laptop as soon as i'm done with the early morning prayers. i browse the net even before i eat breakfast. i'd get so engrossed, i forget about exercise altogether.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Take Small Steps Toward Great Health
By Jorge Cruise, Chief Diet and Fitness Expert
Published January 21, 2011

Don’t be so hard on yourself as you take steps toward living a healthier life. Focus on the positive changes you’ve made in your life already, from new, healthier foods to a new way of thinking about exercise. You’ve committed yourself to living a longer, better life. Imagine this transformation as you would a baby who learns to walk after learning to crawl. Take baby steps toward your health and fitness goals, and don’t set unreasonable goals.

As someone who has already taken positive steps toward good nutrition and fitness, you have already scaled the largest obstacle. Know that in time you’ll be sprinting, but commend yourself for the remarkable progress you’ve made so far. Now that you have the tools to walk, experience life from a new perspective and continue to set new goals. Before long you’ll be enjoying an incredible new way of living and continuing forward with more confidence, more energy and a whole new outlook for the future.

Your coach,
Jorge Cruise

For information on Jorge's fitness program and to get a free copy of his Belly Fat Cure Report, visit


i've been avoiding the weighing scale. i was afraid i'd be disappointed and therefore forget about losing weight altogether. this article reminded me to be patient -to not drive myself too hard, to just relax but continue with a healthy lifestyle. weighing scales don't lie. unless it's broken. but who cares? for as long as you feel better, numbers are only secondary.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


The Power of Three
By Jorge Cruise, Chief Diet and Fitness Expert
Published January 30, 2011

A good support system is probably the #1 secret of my most successful clients. Not only does it serve as a much-needed shoulder to lean on, I also believe that you become a lot like who you are with. The people you spend the most time with indirectly affect who you become in life. If you have a great circle of friends, then you will do great. Conversely, if you have a negative circle or no circle, then the odds are stacked against you. This is why I feel it’s so important to select wisely when it comes to choosing weight-loss buddies. However, the odds of finding the perfect person can be next to impossible.

Several of my clients have found great success by forming a triad of support. This is a group of three people who come together to help each individual stay strong, focused and motivated. With three in a group, the chances of at least one person having the strength to carry you through an especially trying time is greater. In areas where you’re weak, one of the other two in your group is bound to be strong. Communicate with your support group often, whether through email or over the phone. Send one another words of support and encourage success for the whole group.

Your coach,
Jorge Cruise

For information on Jorge's fitness program and to get a free copy of his Belly Fat Cure Report, visit


if you're married, then you have a partner. maybe your daughter or your son can be part of th triad. and yes, you have the circle of friends. even if they do not need to lose weight, they still need to keep healthy.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Healthy Snack Ideas: Carbs and Protein

Healthy Snack Ideas: Carbs and Protein

From the Article "9 Ways To Beat A Snack Attack"
By Jill Weisenberger, M.S., R.D., C.D.E., Lifescript Nutrition Expert
Published January 13, 2011

When a midafternoon slump hits

This isn’t the time to grab a cupcake from the bakery next door. Instead, “shoot for a protein and carbohydrate combo” for long-lasting energy, says Rosanne Rust, R.D., author of The Calorie Counter for Dummies (For Dummies).

High-quality carbs will give you energy for the rest of the afternoon and protein will hold you until dinnertime.

Dietitians’ Picks: Celery and peanut butter or 1 ounce reduced-fat cheese and a small pear.

If your energy is really flagging, try almonds with a cup of coffee and skim milk, suggests Chicago-based registered dietitian Sandy Sfikas.

Coffee is loaded with antioxidants, despite its bad rap, and is linked to lower rates of diabetes and heart disease. The almonds have crunch, protein and fat – the perfect recipe to satisfy hunger, she says.


i can't imagine the celery-peanut butter combination. the cheese and pear sounds delicious. and yes, the decaf coffee. i should get myself some almonds.