Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Stretch Your Lower Back

Cobra Cue: Stretch Your Lower Back
By Jennifer Gruenemay, ACE-Certified, Special to Lifescript
Published August 16, 2011


Back injuries are common in exercisers and manual laborers. Why? Because lifting, moving and being physical in general can be tough on your back. This is especially true if you don’t take time out to strengthen and stretch your lumbar spine. Instead of setting yourself up for injury, take a few minutes each day to lightly stretch out your lower back.

The cobra is a great stretch that can be modified for beginners or tailored for advanced fitness buffs. Lie on your stomach (face down) and place your hands, palms down, next to your shoulders as if you were going to do a pushup. Keeping your hips and legs on the floor, slowly push your upper body off of the floor, using your arms to lift you (you’ll feel it in your triceps). Push up until you feel the stretch in your lower back and hold for 20 seconds. Stretches should only be done to the point of mild discomfort, never to pain. Lower yourself back to the floor, and repeat once more for a deeper stretch. Never force yourself into a deep stretch if your body can’t handle it. If you can’t push up very far or if your hips start to lift off the floor before you can stretch completely, your lower back is too tight.

Perform this stretch once or twice daily for a week, and then continue it at least once every two to four days.


I think I'd opt for a massage to ease lower back pain.  In any case, losing weight will lessen back pain considerably.

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