Wednesday, June 15, 2011


The Combo That Can Make Anyone a Runner
By Jennifer Gruenemay, ACE-Certified, Special to Lifescript
Published June 15, 2011

Running is one of the best calorie-burning exercises you can do. But if you're an out-of-shape beginner, running can feel next to impossible. That doesn't mean it's not for you - it'll just take a bit longer to work up to it.

If you’d like to join the elite group of proud runners, but need to ease into it, try doing a walk-run interval combo to start. For example, on week one, aim to walk for five minutes and run for just 1-2 minutes (depending on what you can accomplish with moderate effort and while keeping good form), and then keep repeating the cycle. Do this at least 3-5 days a week for the best results. If you can only start out with three days a week, work your way up to four and then five days.

You may feel frustrated at first having to walk instead of run, but remember: You must build a healthy base of fitness before you can accomplish more difficult feats. Give the walk-run interval combo a try and by week two you should be able to run at least twice as long as you could the week before. Keep adjusting your walk-run intervals each week as your body adapts. In just 8-12 weeks, you could be running a 5k or 10k with ease!

See, it wasn’t that hard after all.


1-2 minutes running?  That should be manageable.  I should do this to cut my walking time.

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