Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sexy Shoulders?

Strong Shoulders Are Sexy
By Carly Young, Special to Lifescript
Published September 06, 2011

If you're a woman with a muscular frame and tend bulk up easily, be proud of yourself! Your strong frame makes you a great athlete, and you often see results from a new weight-training routine in as little as a week. However, you may feel that you lack a more feminine physique.

To really put the finishing touches on your muscular frame, add a stretching routine to your regular workout. Not only will stretching help you become more flexible, it will also help your muscles to recover from your workout, making sure that you’re ready to meet the demands of a challenging exercise routine the next day. If you’re worried about bulking up, stretches that also tone your body are ideal to help you firm up without adding bulging biceps. Many yoga poses will challenge your body and help you firm up without the use of a barbell or dumbbells. As a bonus, yoga will teach you to love your body and appreciate your strength even more.

Just remember that no matter how many stretches you do, you’ll never be able to change your fundamental body shape. So instead of fighting your genetics, make a list of all the ways your physical form helps you in your daily life. Broad shoulders and toned arms make it easier for you to carry a backpack, swim faster or lift up a child. Don’t be ashamed of your strength and your muscles – they’re what make you fit and beautiful.

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Don't be ashamed. Don't fight it.  Still, take care of shoulders.  Bulky or not, shoulder injury is bad.  So, be careful.  Sexy is good.  Healthy is better.